Move to New Building and Opening New Education Programs



В 2014 году NES moved to a new campus at Skolkovo


In 2015 Shlomo Weber, Academic Director of NES CSDSI and Professor Emeritus of Economics at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, became new Rector of NES.

The same year, the Master's Program "Energy and Natural Resources Economics (Masters in Energy Economics)" was founded. It is aimed at training specialists to work in the real sector of the economy, finance and consulting. Also, in 2015 NES launched one-year intensive retraining program "Master of Science in Finance" (MSF).

Since 2015 NES has held the first place in the "Rating of Demand for Universities" in Russia, category "Management - Economics, Finance, Law".

In 2016 NES opened "Master of Arts Finance" Program (MAF) and a one-year professional retraining program "Master of Science in Energy Economics".

In 2017 NES entered the Top-200 best universities in the world and the Top-3 best universities in Russia in the category "Economics and Econometrics" of the international QS rating, and also took the first place in terms of satisfaction with the quality of education, according to the results of the Best Company Award study. This year, the School turned 25 years old. NES held "International Conference on Economics and Finance" dedicated to the Anniversary.


Gerard Roland (University of California, Berkeley)

Steven Durlauf (University of Chicago)


The same year NES signed an agreement with the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO and Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology on the establishment of the educational hub "Skolkovo", which includes plans for academic cooperation, opening of joint educational programs and carrying out joint research projects.

In 2018 professor and graduate of NES Ruben Enikolopov was appointed Rector of NES. Shlomo Weber took over as the School's President. The first Rector of NES, Academician Valery Makarov, became the Honorary President of NES.


"For me the most important value of NES is its independence. That's why the main thing I would like to approach in a few years is stability, so that our professors and staff would not worry about the future of the School and could concentrate on solving long-term issues, and the School remained the leader in economic education and research in Russia."

Ruben Enikolopov


In 2018 for the first time, NES entered the prestigious Shanghai Ranking's Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (ARWU) in the field of "Economics". Moreover, NES has restarted its main educational project – NES Public Lectures.


Nobel Laureate Jean Tirole, NES Public Lecture (2019)


In 2019, together with Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO and Mastercard, NES established Center for Research in Financial Technologies and  Digital Economy SKOLKOVO-NES.

In the same year, Yandex and NES launched a joint program "Economics and Data Analysis", which aims to train specialists who are able to develop effective solutions for business using the analysis of people's economic behavior.

At the end of September 2019, the first big meeting of NES graduates outside of Russia was held in London.


Global NES Reunion in London for Alumni & Friends, 2019


In 2020, the China-Russia Eurasian Studies Center (CREC) was opened jointly with the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Society Hub HKUST GZ) and the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO.

In 2020, the NES Board of Directors decided to appoint Ruben Enikolopov as Rector of NES for another three years and approved the development strategy for the next 5 years, as well as the new organizational structure of NES.






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