The Code of Ethics

The NES Code of Ethics is committed to maintain mutual respect and trust within the NES community and strengthen the reputation of NES. We believe that the collective reputation of NES depends primarily on the individual reputations of its faculty, staff, students and alumni.


I. NES Code of Ethics

The goal of the Code of Ethics is to promote a corporate culture based on high ethical standards through introducing and enforcing norms of ethical behavior at NES. These rules define our relationship within the NES team, with our partners, government agencies, and the general public to help prevent and/or resolve any conflicts of interest.

The NES Ethics Code uses the following terms and definitions:

  • Conflict of interest – a situation in which private interests may conflict with the interests of NES;
  • NES staff – all individuals who have an employment contract with NES;
  • Students – all individuals studying at NES;
  • Partners – companies or individuals including NES alumni which provide NES with resources and valuable assets or provides services to NES.

We hereby declare our intention to follow the highest ethical principles and standards, and to prevent violation of them.

Work at NES is based on cooperation, partnership and mutual respect. NES does not allow any type of discrimination.


Relationships with colleague

We are committed to the responsible use of NES resources, analyzing operational risks and managing them to pursue our mission.

We adhere to the highest standards of planning, monitoring, and reporting, and we strive to protect and grow our resources and assets, including business information.

We protect the privacy of personal data and assure confidentiality while working with personal information.

Activities that are not related to our work at NES should not be done at the expense of NES resources or assets.

If a conflict arises, we resolve it professionally and refrain from spreading rumors that can negatively affect our reputation.


Relationships with students

We guarantee equal respect to all students as well as equal opportunity in obtaining knowledge at the School.

We care about the quality of our education, therefore we always support the students in honest and responsible attitudes towards learning.

Media Relations

We do not tolerate the distribution of false information or misrepresentation in the media, including online media and social networks, nor the use of confidential information obtained in the course of professional activities.

We understand that our communications in social networks affect the reputation of NES, and therefore we adhere to these ethical standards not only in personal relationships, but also in online communications.


Partner Relations

We follow the principles of integrity and fairness with our partnerships. We are committed to provide them accurate and reliable information.

We are transparent in our tenders for goods and services.

We are committed to the best use of NES resources and to the highest quality in our work.

We understand the difference between signs of attention and expensive gifts that may lead to a conflict of interest. Therefore, we do not accept expensive gifts.

II. NES Code of Conduct

NES is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy educational and work environment in which no member of the community is, on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender or other identity, excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination in any program or activity.

Sexual and non-sexual harassment, are forms of discrimination in that they deny or limit an individual’s ability to participate in or benefit from NES programs or activities.

The Code of Conduct is designed to ensure a safe and non-discriminatory educational and work environment. It does not preclude application or enforcement of other NES policies.

For comments and possible solutions of code and ethics issues at NES, including cases which violations have happened or may happen in the future, please contact the Ethics Committee composed by Daria Dzyabura,  Irina Denisova, Dmitry Krutikov and Andrei Markevich. NES ensures anonymity and impunity in such matters, as well as a thorough, impartial, and competent review of requests received.

Please send your questions, suggestions or comments related to compliance with or violation of the NES Ethics Code to: [email protected] or [email protected].

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