№211. The Diffusion of Development: Along Genetic or Geographic Lines? (.pdf - 268.45 Kb) | 06-11-2014 |
Douglas L. Campbell and Ju Hyun Pyun November 2014 |
№210. Through the Looking Glass: A WARPed View of Real Exchange Rate History (.pdf - 766.33 Kb) | 05-11-2014 |
Douglas L. Campbell November 2014 |
№209. Specification Tests for Nonlinear Dynamic Models (.pdf - 505.47 Kb) | 14-10-2014 |
Igor Kheifets October 2014 |
№208. Information Efficiency and Firm-Specific Return Variation (.pdf - 872.36 Kb) | 30-09-2014 |
Patrick J. Kelly September 2014 |
№207. Tax-adjusted Q Model with Intangible Assets: Theory and Evidence from Temporary Investment Tax Incentives (.pdf - 640.48 Kb) | 21-09-2014 |
Sophia Chen and Estelle P. Dauchy September 2014 |
№206. The efficiency of labor matching and remuneration reforms: a panel data quantile regression approach with endogenous treatment variables (.pdf - 461.91 Kb) | 10-07-2014 |
Galina Besstremyannaya July 2014 |
№205. Foreign Direct Investment and Governance Quality in Russia (.pdf - 955.30 Kb) | 06-05-2014 |
Olga Kuzmina, Natalya Volchkova, Tatiana Zueva |
№204. Urban inequity in the performance of social health insurance system: evidence from Russian regions (.pdf - 818.85 Kb) | 25-01-2014 |
Galina Besstremyannaya January 2014 |
№203. Multi-payer health insurance systems in Central and Eastern Europe: lessons from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Russia (.pdf - 411.86 Kb) | 24-01-2014 |
Galina Besstremyannaya, Jaak Simm January 2014 |