In their second year, all Master of Arts in Economics (MAE) students take part in a Research Seminar. Its goal is to impart and develop in undergraduates the skills of research work, presentation of its results, as well as to provide effective supervision for students' research work. During the Research Seminar, students write their Term Paper and Master's Thesis.
The Research Seminar is organized as a series of research projects involving students and professors. In the years between 1995 and 2017, about 300 research projects were completed in all areas of economics, allowing more than 960 MAE students to write their theses. In the 2013-14 academic year, for example, student research work was done within the framework of nine projects.
Each research group consists of the project leaders and students taking part in the project, with an average ratio of 4 students per professor. Meetings are held from the moment students are assigned to a certain project (in June of the first year of their studies) until the end of the Term Papers’ defense (in February of the second year of studies). Two academic hours are allocated in the weekly schedule for the Research Seminar.
In addition to the Research Seminar, the curriculum of MAE students has the Methodological Seminar where they are taught the general principles of conducting academic research, writing and presenting academic papers, etc. The course also covers practical skills of presentation and review of academic papers.
Twice a year, in autumn and spring, NES hosts international conferences, attracting a wide audience to discuss research papers and their results. While NES professors, as well as professors from other Russian and international universities are the main participants of the Autumn Conference (held in October-November), the Spring Conference (held in April) has MAE students as its main speakers.
Master's Theses that receive special distinction from the Qualifying Committee are published in the Best Student Papers series.