NES Community

Graduates are part of NES formation and development, the basis of NES reputation and pride.

NES is unique not only for the highest quality of educational programs, but also for the special culture of interpersonal relations. Perhaps none of Russian Universities has such a strong and cohesive community, which includes students, graduates, professors, employees, partners and friends of the School, who share the values of NES and contribute to its further development, as the New Economic School.

NES all over the world

NES graduates are on all continents of the Globe! Today the community of NES alumni and friends unites more than 2000 people who live and work in 44 countries of the world.

Approximately 75% of graduates work in business, mainly in leading companies of the Russian and international financial and real sector; 15% choose an academic career; 3% – work in the public sector.

Career in business

The high reputation of NES, close ties and demand among more than 700 employers around the world allow us to employ our graduates in leading financial institutions, banks, investment and consulting companies. The main employers of NES graduates are Sberbank and Sberbank CIB, VTB Capital, Deutsche Bank, McKinsey, BCG, JPMorgan, Citi, Barclays Capital, Goldman Sachs, EY, IMF, URALSIB, Gazprombank, Renaissance Capital, Bain, BCG, Oliver Wyman and other leading companies.


Academic career

More than 230 graduates received a PhD degree and work in professorial positions at universities in 22 countries.

52 of them are already tenured professors in leading universities, including Stanford, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Prinсeton etc.

According to RePEc, NES economists are among the most cited in Russia, and 12 of the 30 best Russian economists working around the world are NES graduates!


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