The Centre for Economic and Financial Research (CEFIR) is an independent economic policy think tank established in 2000.

CEFIR’s mission is to improve Russia’s economic and social policies by producing cutting-edge academic research and policy analysis; in other words, CEFIR makes it possible for both policymakers and the public to make informed choices. CEFIR researchers use advanced methods of economic analysis to contribute to Russia’s economic and social policy by informing policymakers and the public about the costs and benefits of specific policy actions.

CEFIR economists make regular appearances in reputable newspapers, such as «Vedomosti», «Kommersant», «RBC daily»; they are also sought out by various radio and television programs to provide expert opinions.

CEFIR’s critical resources are its high-quality human capital and its efficient academic infrastructure. Centre for Economic and Financial Research is ranked 42 among Top 25% Think Tanks in the world by RePEc* (as of November 2018). In January 2018 CEFIR has been ranked 10-th among 100 Top Think Tanks in Central and Eastern Europe and the third among Russian think tanks in this particular field according to the annual 2017 The Global Go To Think Tank Index. CEFIR has been ranked 31-th among 140 Top Domestic Economic Policy Think Tanks and the first among Russian think tanks in this particular field.

CEFIR is closely integrated in the world economic community and has partner relations with leading economic think tanks in many countries. On the number of publications in top Western economics journals, including American Economic Review, Journal of European Economic Association, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Economics of Transition and others, CEFIR outperforms all other Russian economic think tanks — combined.

CEFIR brings together 30 young Russian economists, all of whom graduated from the most prestigious Russian universities. Many researchers hold PhD’s from leading Western institutions, including Harvard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Tilburg University, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Toulouse University, and University of Manchester. Three of CEFIR’s researchers are Research Affiliates with the Centre for Economic Policy Research in London, at which no other Russian organizations are represented. Two CEFIR scholars have been selected as Young Global Leaders by the World Economic Forum in Davos.

CEFIR’s project portfolio includes research done for the improvement of Russia — for the Central Bank, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Health and Social Development, and Presidential Administration — and for the benefit of organizations abroad — for the World Bank, the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, Swedish International Development Agency, USAID, International Finance Corporation, and the United Nations Development Programme.

Publications by CEFIR scholars are posted under the Working Papers and Policy Papers series. In 2004–2008 CEFIR was also actively involved in the production of the «Beyond Transition» newsletter on reforming economies, on the initiative of the World Bank. The newsletter was available both in English and in Russian and was disseminated to thousands of subscribers around the world.

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